field notes

Classic Focaccia with Rosemary
February 8, 2021

The classic focaccia is most similar to the one we make in our pizza oven at Pizzicotto, deliciously light yet quite flat and with a chewy bite. When making it at home in a non-commercial oven (as in this recipe), we go for a deeper looking focaccia which is more doughy and a bit fluffier. We love both types and it really depends on your preference and equipment.

The recipe we like best relies on a well-proofed poolish, made at least 8 hours before the main dough. I made the poolish for this recipe 12 hours before and found it really helped to give a lighter and fluffier taste.

One of the great things about focaccia (besides how comforting and tasty it is!) is that it does not need too much kneading or attention to make it come out great!

Ingredients (for the poolish)

225g Italian 00 Flour

225ml Water (room temperature)

¼tbsp Fast Action Yeast


Ingredients (for the dough)

340g Italian 00 flour

115ml Water (room temperature)

70g Olive Oil

1-2tsp Fine Salt

½ tsp Yeast



To make the poolish; mix the water, yeast, and flour and beat well in a mixing bowl. Cover with cling film and let it proof at room temperature (ideally at about 20°C) for 10-12 hours.

Once your poolish is ready, add your 115ml of water and mix well. Then add in the olive oil, salt, and half of the flour and mix. It is important not to add the salt until nearer the end as it can interfere with the yeast. Mix all well and then slowly add in the rest of your flour and salt and work the mixture until it resembles a dough.

Focaccia poolish

Turn the dough on to a work surface with a little bit of bench flour and knead well for about 8 minutes. By this time it should become stretchy and strong.

Place it into an olive oil lined bowl and cover again with cling film. The dough now needs to proof and we leave ours for as long as we can (2-5 hours) in a nice warm place, such as near a radiator or even in the airing cupboard!

Then line a square dish with baking parchment and oil the sides. Then shape and place your focaccia in the dish and leave again for 1 hour to proof.

People shaping the focaccia

Once ready, cover lightly in oil and push finger holes in various places. The dough should feel soft and elastic. Add your toppings (we used rock salt and fresh rosemary from the garden) and pop in a hot oven (at least 200°C) for 20-30 minutes.

Focaccia with toppings

Serve with olive oil and balsamic. Enjoy!

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